Spencer Klavan is the author of How to Save the West: Ancient Wisdom for 5 Modern Crises and assistant editor of The Claremont Review of Books and The American Mind at the Claremont Institute. With a PhD in Classics, Klavan's literary expertise is aided by his knowledge of many languages, including Ancient Greek, Latin, and Hebrew. As a scholar who enjoys exploring how great works of literature provide valuable insights into today's world, Klavan hosts Young Heretics every Tuesday.
Rational discourse is a team sport, a shared pursuit for the wisdom we both seek about the thing and the effort we make at getting it
Seeking excellence, moral virtue, and flourishing is the first step, the atomic building block, for living well together—seeking mutual good in the form of community and relationships
Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics 9.8
Fundamentally, when we form political community, we do so because we collectively agree that there is such a thing as justice
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